1 year ago

OC page UPDATE! /Character info and specification in the article

/\^---Page contents---/\^

-1. Colour palet

-2. Profile Image

-3. model

-4 to 11. Expressions

-12 and 13. Small fanart pieces (/RenzArt and @fazbender )

-14, 15 and 16. Promo pieces

-17. The masked version

----Colour Palet----

Glam_Glitch has a themed colour palet. Matching the glamrock theme! Alot of purple and blues are used. Specifically light blue and dark blue. Purple is kinda the secondary base colour. Red for the shoulders and the other couple of colours are for some of the small details.

This is for fanart guidance if you want to make your fanart accurate to the OC.

----Profile Image----

There are older profile images for this character of mine. However I use this version specifically, because this is 2024s profile image. You might be able to tell the small changes. /Bevy made this digital version using my version as a template.

----Model and expressions (The Making Of)----

This model was made by @Daby_Kong using a character design page I made during summer of last year!

This character being modelled gave it more of an opportunity to get some different expressions. Very happy with these!

(yep nothing else to say about that lmao)

----Promotional assets----

These are self explanitoray. These were made by the modeller for promoting the offical burrow discord server!

----Small Fanart pieces----

There is other Fanart pieces but these 2 in particular are the 2 I could find. Fanart piece 1 was made by RenzArt and number 2 was made by community member @fazbender /Please correct me if I'm wrong.

Fazbenders being a fnaf world version whilst Renz being a fursona type one.

and finally the masked version

the masked version is the awakening of what became Glam_Glitch. The mask shape gave me the idea to carry that through the characters design. This masked version was actually the start of me teasing this character. (the base of this masked version was actually a piece of foxy bro fanart that belongs to someone else. Unfortunately I do not know who the fanart belongs to I do apologise. Atleast I've owned up that it belongs to someone else).

This brings us to the credits!

Thank you so much to those that were mentioned. And thank you @Daby_Kong for modelling the character! Your apreciated!




Next up

"Fluffy face, outstanding features"

Fnaf AU/Fan universe coming soon

Hey Hey!, Here's some progress on what my next creation will be. Be on the look out for me dropping the final thing here and on Deviant Art

Model Credit: VibaPop

My GL1TCHES Blender Project Updates page is now up!

Please read the article for more information.

Oh btw, thx for 60K likes guys. I love you all!

Who said I was limited? 🤟

Eh, you're welcome for the charged sticker again as always @Victoree ! :D

INTO THE PIT: Parts 1 and 2

Are currently UP! On my YouTube channel, Go give part 2 a watch. Recomend watching the first part first.

Link: https://youtu.be/raLiIuN_wW0?si=N21sEf2JwOk74g2I