With the recent-ish resurgence of interest in the game, I feel it's only fair to post some new announcements regarding this game after my brief break & what my future endeavors will be.
While I don't have a new update to the game to publish yet, I do have some interesting news to share with you all.
Where have I been?
I never really got the chance to fully express it until now, but thank you to everyone who was there for the launch in August.
TEALERLAND has actually been a rather major part of my life, and my 'career' of being a solo indie game developer. It was really something special to finish it off after 2 years of long, tiring work, and it was even more special to see so many people play & thoroughly enjoy my first game back over the nearly 6-year hiatus I had initially on GameJolt.
To get to the point, though; I've been inactive for a little bit, and that's mostly because of some personal things I've been dealing with, as well as helping out on some other developer's projects recently (which has been an honor to do).
That being said, I've been getting back into the swing of things, and I'm glad to be back with another devlog for you all.
To start things off;
Return of the 2020 Demo (& Extras Pack)
As per popular request, I have reuploaded the classic 2020 demo that was initially released last Halloween for archival purposes. It'll be the bottommost download on the game's page.
If any of you were looking to revisit your first experience with the game and take a look at how things have evolved since then, you're now able to.
On top of that, I also plan on introducing a new 'Extras' pack sometime in the near future - This will be a large pack of HD character renders for editing & thumbnails, wallpapers, and more! No ETA on this yet, but I'm excited to share some easily accessible resources for you all to enjoy soon.
(Please note the demo will not be updated, and some computers may recognize it as a false positive - this is on the engine's end, not mine.)
Discord server reopening
After the invite was closed for a while, the server is officially available to join once again!
Please note that the mod team & I are going to be taking user verification more seriously this time around - don't get discouraged if it takes a while for us to verify you (or if you don't get in), as we're trying to make the server a better place for all the members in it.
Keep in mind to read & follow the server's rules before chatting.
What now?
Now that the dust has mostly settled for TEALERLAND, I've actually been starting on some new projects myself...
...but I can't give any specifics yet! You will all just have to wait and see when the time comes.
Aside from that though, I've been also helping out modeling-wise with some other people's projects, like I've stated earlier - if you're interested, you can check them out on my profile's bio.
I've also been planning to do a video series collaboration with @StarkMedia (The VA of Tealer!) sometime soon! It'll be a 'developer playthrough' of TEALERLAND, where we'll be giving tidbits and info about the game's development as we play through all the main nights.
I'm really excited about this idea, and hope you all are too! I'll be posting announcements as to when these will be posted.
All in all, I'm glad to be back and I'm very happy with the support I've gotten over the past few months. I'm really proud of this game's community - all the fanart, videos, and other content you guys have made have been awesome to see over the past few months.
See you all again sometime soon!