Zenith Studios: Shifted Reality

5 months ago

October Devlog:

(Art by @Dragon_rita )

So it’s been a minute since the last devlog. So it’s about time for a new one, don't you think!

So let's jump right into it.

We’ve all made a lot of progress for the first area, Ruins Of Old, and a bit of progress for Violet Grove. And for the Past Timeline comic, BrittNinja has made pretty good progress on that.

Quite a bit of progress has been made since the last dev log! Here are the numbers if you are curious!

Ruins Of Old Progress:

Rooms: 15%

(The entire area has been mapped out at this point. All that's left is the actual overworld room designs.)

Script: 40%

(Most main and side main character boss stuff has been finished. Including a rework of the old Papyrus script.)

Spriting: 70%

(The majority of sprites are finished. Mostly just missing animations and battle sprites.)

Music: 95%

(There’s around 1 or 2 more themes needed.)

Violet Grove progress:

Rooms: 3%

Script: 10%

Spriting: 20%

Music: 20%

Past Timeline Comic Progress:



So thats the percentage progress report!

Other things.

The Official Team Zenith website is almost done. This is where we'll be doing the web comic temporarily until we get more coders for game progress.

News and stuff will probably be more common there in the future.

The main story plot for the entire game has been fully planned, which makes things a lot easier to write.

Boss planning for each route has been mapped out as well.

This is a new song for a chase scene with The Ruffians by Owen Cat.

Next up is characters and other content

As you can see from our promo art all main characters designs have all been finished. Their designs may change in the future but right now I like how they all look. You can also see both Past Timeline mains and The Incident mains in the back as well.


Here’s some special resprites for some main characters made by Miyu:


(These are still being worked on so these aren't the final product)

New character concepts:


Britspiz Pronglesworth The Third.

Side main character for Scorched Plains.

(Heavily inspired by an old TS Underswap design)


Astra The Elemental Witch.

Side main character for Mirrored Caverns.

Now also Sarah and Muffet are part of a bigger group that replaces the Canine Unit called the Violet Mercenaries. Lead by the Royal Guard Lieutenant Undyne.

Here's the other members of the group.


Crescent The Minotaur.

A Man with a plan of destroying everything in his path. Kinda a jerk.


Everyone's favorite Siren.

Shyren Warrior of the deep.

Unlike her original Undertale counterpart her singing is actually good.

(Design inspired by Anihita from the Calamity Mod hence the reference art above)


Thorn The Pirate Ninja Wendigo.

For this one. My team member Chaos Conspirator has a few words to say.

Take it away buddy!

“Hello everyone, The Chaos Conspirator here. I wanna talk about a particular miniboss we have for Violet Grove!”

“Meet Thorn! He is a PIRATE-NINJA WENDIGO!!! When Neo thought of the idea for that as a miniboss, I HAD to jump at the first opportunity to write for him! I had a blast doing it!”

“I’ve already written the fight script for him for the pacifist and neutral routes.”

“How he will develop through pacifist/neutral remains to be seen, but rest assured, we’re cookin’ over here! HI-YAR!!!”

Alright back to me.


New Dialog Portraits for Undyne Lyra Sarah and Asriel.


Muffet Concept


Gerson Concept


Random encounter

Keeper of important mineshaft parts for a certain area.

(Inspired by Gimmighoul from Pokemon)


Alright that's everything character wise.

Other Spoils:


New Dialog boxes


Concept of a new mechanic for the green soul.

Grappling hook.


New Cyan soul stuff.


Violet Grove Concept.


Random sketches from the wip comic.

BrittNinja is cooking fr.


Thats all for now. Thanks for reading!



Next up

It's time for the important thing!

Shifted Reality Chapter 0 The Shards first data log entry will be dropping tomorrow.

How exciting!

Backsprited the bois!

(Aka Ceruledge, Armarouge, and Charcadet)

Don’t they look beautiful?

I have an idea for an Undertale mod!

Yall need to make a mod that replaces Frisk with DougDoug and all of the other characters with important characters from the DougDoug universe.

I know it's genius!

*This is a family photo of Sans and Papyrus.

*They look so happy.



When you turn the Polterghast into an anime girl because you don’t know what to draw.

Idk why I thought this was a good idea lol!

At least she came out great though lol!

Congrats to the mushroom brothers!!

You are the superior shroom, and the winner of the shroom themed encounter vote.

(Unlike Mojang we care for those poor losers, none of the others are going to get scrapped they'll instead appear as random ow characters)


That's the game!

[Persona 3 Junpei Iori]