Hi guys, “Of Guards and Thieves” is now available as Free To Play to everyone!
Welcome to all new players!
Of Guards and Thieves, what is it?
“OGAT” is a multiplayer stealth game in which high-powered guards face off against fast and elusive thieves in a contest of wits.
Outsmarting the enemy and shooting your way through to the goal are equally valid strategies.

Asymmetric Stealth multiplayer tactical action.
Class system and factions.
Innovative dynamic lighting system.
Interactive environment.
Competitive and fun game modes.
Leveling System with experience points.
Classes unlock levels for Free To Play players
New players will begin their journey into the world of “Of Guards and Thieves” with only basic classes such as
Assault/Scout for Guards, Cobra/Shadow for Thieves and Runner for Zombies.
Specialized classes can simply be unlocked by playing and gaining experience points.
Here’s the levels needed to unlock each individual classes:
*Level 4: Guardian (Guards)
Level 5: Tank (Zombies)
Level 6: Saboteur (Thieves) - Piellini (Soccer)
Level 7: Acid (Zombies)
Level 8: Carrier (Guards) - Marfelo (Soccer)
Level 9: Smoke (Zombies)
Level 10: Medic (Thieves) - Sersi (Soccer)
Level 11: Meat (Zombies)
Level 12: Medic (Guards) - Neyar (Soccer)
Level 13: Fat (Zombies)
Level 14: Juggernaut (Thieves)

F.A.Q about Free To Play changes
Will OGAT become a Pay To Win game?
NO. And never will be: we have removed the class limitation for F2P user exactly for this reason.
Avoiding PAY TO WIN feeling and complaints at all cost is one of our primary goals.
Permanent Gold Users have to be perceived as useful and as a friendly resource for anyone, not as an enemy.
I already bought the game, what do I have to do?
Early Access users will receive the “Permanent Gold Account” DLC automatically and for free.
If you have already bought the game you do not have to buy back the DLC, you’ll see it as already purchased and activated.
Will OGAT remain in Early Access phase?
Yes, we want to add new content, features, and polishing to the game before declaring it complete.
Permanent Gold Account content
“Permanent Gold Account” DLC (aka Early Access/”civilian” account type) content list,

Of Guards and Thieves - Permanent Gold Account DLC will still have the ability to have more content like extra Gamemodes and Maps, In-Game Map Editor, exclusive Avatars, Golden Star next to your username and more.

12 extra Gamemodes hosting capabilities.
In-Game Map Editor.
Golden Star displayed everywhere.
XP gain boost (x1.25) (*applied to everyone in the server you’re playing in)
9 extra Official Maps hosting capabilities.
29 extra profile Avatars.
*Note that more content and features will be added with future updates. (like extra skins for weapons/classes, clan creation capability and more.)
For more detail check the “Permanent Gold Account” DLC Store Page”
For any questions feel free to contact us on our official Discord Server or Community Forum.
DISCORD Official Server

Official Discord server is now available!
If you want to invite other players please use this link[/b] → https://discord.gg/VQbBwxm
*Discord is available as Browser application and Standalone client for Win/Mac/Linux iOS and Android.
Click here to download the Discord client
Official Community Forum
Development roadmap board on Trello
OGAT Development roadmap is now available on Trello board.
Other helpful links:
Here’s the updates/changelog list
Here’s the updates full articles list
Here the Actual game content list,