Five Nights at Jax Justun's 3

6 months ago

Official #3rd/Final Thumbnail for #FNatJJs3 - (Created on: September 7th, 2024) Hey guys, I know it's been a few months since the last future updates here on the game page of Five Nights at Jax Justun's 3 and everything!!!!!

But this is no joke here folks, after months of repairs, the official and final Game Thumbnail for the official Five Nights at Jax Justun's 3 game page!!! And yes, only the parody characters and parody cameo characters from Series One of 2018 of Jax Justun Studios are only appearing inside of this final version of this thumbnail only!!!! I just don't want to make this all crowded and everything!!!! But anyways you guys, after nearly four years by now, the official #3rdFNatJJs game has finally been almost fully updated with new designs and everything!!!

All we needed now are the rest of the new and improved remastered story, the final Game Header for #FNatJJs3, and many more future stuff to come!!!!! But anyways you guys, thanks for all of your guy's supports and love during these FIVE years here on GameJolt!!! After nearly like seven whole years, the official Jax Justun Studios timeline has been growing and growing!!!! From secrets, better lore, more and more parodies and so much more!!!! Anyways, we'll see you all next time!!! Have a nice and safe afternoon!!!! BTW, yes!!! I'm feeling a lot less drowsy now ever since this morning. Anyways, take care now!!!!! #ParodiesMustBeRespectAllTimes!!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!! #WelcomeToJaxJustunStudios!!!!! #7YearsAgo!!!! #ThisWhereItAllBegan!!!!!!!



Next up

Good morning/afternoon my fellow GameJolt Fans!!!! Sorry about the once again, the late post for today folks here on June 8th, 2024!!!! It appears that I gotten a relapse of my sinus infection again!!! But fear not folks, it's not as worst then before!!!!

2019 Parody Character #17 - Lord Eye Socket (LES) (Created on: February 7th, 2024) For nearly 5 to 6 whole months from just two years apart, from Oct. of 2024 throughout the new year's of 2025, and with a few parody bumps on them parody roads here........

Well FNAF and Five Nights at Smudger's fans, here he is at long last!!!! The #2ndParodyCameoCharacter from Series One of 2018 of Jax Justun Studios!!!! Presenting the one & only, "Smudger", from the Five Nights at Smudger's series!!!!


2018 Parody Cameo Character #2 - Smudger - From the FNAF Fan-Made Series called "Five Nights at Smudger's" - (The JJS Parody Form) (Created on: July 3rd, 2024) Yep!! This is truly real alright folks!!!

Rat Race Production Update

The Official Logo For FNatJJ's 3 - (Created on: July 1st, 2024) Well then.... I didn't expect this to happened!! But it did I guess!!!!!! Hope you guys are doing well so far!!! Today we have something which I'd haven't done for like a few months by now!!!

Banner Poster Shrine of DDS #VersionNine - (Created on: March 9th, 2025) Well folks, at an early cost here, the official #54thJJSvideo has already been released!!!!! Alongside with this thing as well too!!!!!

Minin' away....I don't know what to mine I'll mine this anyway in this Minecraft day...

Jax Justun Studios Video #54 - (Created on: March 8th, 2025 - March 9th, 2025) This might've been the most biggest #JJSvideo that the DDS HQ has ever created here!!!!!