4 years ago

Oh and by the way, I might make the AI's on the first nights a bit higher, if not for all the nights. I'm testing the game by myself trying to make Fredbear appear and they may seem too easy



Next up

Dum dum deedle dum dum..

(Gore) "1T W4S 4LL Y0UR F4ULT!" Speedpaint coming soon~ (Okay maybe not soon but sorry I really got unmotivated-)

Drew this a day before the game came out, I just didn't post it until now

I like to think that most of the characters, specially character/B0NN13, bump their heads into doors and such because they're too tall

To the aproximately 2 people that still care about this game, here's a custom character/F0XY I made :)

And yes I plan on making the rest of the crew

Seems character/FR3DB3AR still won't jumpscare you. My only guess is that the waiting time is too long. It's weird because I've followed a tutorial for his coding. And yet he doesn't work.

I'm gonna have a week quite full of exams, but I'll try to fix it.

character/FR3DDY hopes you all have happy holidays! Except for Elijah of course

Have a nice character/FR3DDY to start off the week <3

Ah?- I forgot to draw something related to this game for Halloween? Sorry sorry! Have a late character/FR3DDY doodle with a pumpkin on his head

Happy birthday to me!

Yes today it is my birthday, I've been on this world for 16 years

So I drew a happy looking character/FR3DDY for myself, have a nice day!

Due to the game being well-accepted by more people that I hoped it would, here's a friendly picture of the animatronics ;)

Don't ask me what happened with character/F0XY. I, in fact, don't know