Five Nights at Sonic's: Trolling Terror
4 years ago

Okay, about that milestone. I accidentally confused FOLLOWERS with VIEWS. Regardless, we're at 300 views now, that's what I meant to say! I'll get something out for you guys later!



Next up

People in my family were bugging me to do NFTs off of this game, so in response:

we did some housekeeping!

i properly changed my tag to @ToonyLad (i dont use "The" in any of my other socials)

tom's look has been updated to the newer image! here it is in full:

And to y'all who checked the post for progress, expect it very very soon.

Various FNaS Related Work (1 out of..........something :trolling:)

From left to right:

Freddy Blastbear (Mobian/Clone Freddy), Granic (FNaS!Redbear), Ristar Strikes Back (FNaS!Chipper's Revenge), Clone Tangle, Clone Whisper, Clone Jewel, Clone Lanolin

Am I late to the hip and cool trend train again?


This is seriously some of the coolest shit. It's so terrifying. What makes it all the more unsettling is it's characters you know too.

(this is a shitpost, if you google this exact sentence on twitter youll know what the joke is)

Sorry for the radio silence, people. School. Anyways, who's up for some proof of concepts?

i am so sorry for anyone who gets the reference

Joe ToonyLad’s Ghetto Shenanigans

gonna try and get back to this game sooner or later

@edgestreetknowledge445 hi bitch