Ice's big Adventure Chapter 1 (The Start)

2 years ago




Next up

Sarah, you can actually discover her origin on fatal queries, it should be on my game jolt somewhere #toyland

New update available!

Fixed some spelling errors.

Fixed the issue where the characters wouldn't change with said scene.

Added some music.

Changed some areas and made them a bit smaller.

And so far thats it tune next time for an update!

come on guys!

Aw she so cute!

I told AI (again) to make a song about my old school games Ice's big adventure chapter 1

I told AI to make a song based my game Toyland

Cold world. #toyland

He's here.

I've seen the votes on my last post soooo ice's big Adventure chapter 3 is in the works!

#rpgmaker #icesbigadventurechp3 #imdiedev