You got that? Good. I'm not warning you again that this is absolutely horrible. Have sleep deprived Fawful speak before GTA6.
This article is practically just TL;DR, I'll make a genuine article eventually.
I'm just delaying the inevitable right now.
You sure you want to read?

...can this post of bad wait?
I was not having the expectance of making the post in this sense. However, there is a fink-rat who makes absolutely NO effort whatsoever......conveniently named a musical genre for the games of rhythm.
I have disappointment.
Fake followers, no game design, AI art...I have the brain pain wondering how much ego someone can obtain.
There is not much to say aside that he has made no effort, and any "effort" he seems to have is fake.
And it gives disappointment. Because games these days have no feeling...
...can I have the mention that he uses AI music? "But great Soulful, what is having the issue with you?!"
...I am the maker of music. It offends me that one would decide to make the music of worthlessness and soullessness than to do the trying of good...Beatbox is there, you know.
Do not give the supporting. It is of badness and it is the wasting of time. They have no real soul, no real being. They, themselves, are of the automated.
I'm going to drop the speech now. If you don't get my idea, Artcore, in my good friend @ninesoulssea 's word, is a fraud. Supporting him would just give him more clout and crap. You should just report him; he's yet another form of Jesse Puterbaugh, and an AI bro; none of his shit is truly his. He may do "art", but let's be real; he'd rather mimic a fraction of an actual dev's power.
I had no clue where to put this, so I put this in memes. Request to the hub: make a general tab.