I'm redoing Outcasts from the ground up... sort of.
I'm keeping all the visual assets and the soundtrack, so development isn't completely restarting, but I needed to redo the coding part.
The original Outcasts project file is a mess of different methods of completing the same actions I accumulated over the year or so I worked on it, and I can barely understand how it works anymore.
So, today I made a new file and got the player configured.
The movement will be relatively the same as in the original project, only it'll run way smoother. Twice as smooth, in fact. The FPS cap is now 60 instead of Scratch's 30. TurboWarp saved the day again.
I think LittleGame was the right thing to do when I started to lose motivation. I'm so ready to work on Outcasts again. I hope to see the game complete and published next year. This project is so old, release will feel downright magical. Heck, development feels magical right now!
So, let's talk about the gameplay.
The combat is going to change to better fit @ERROR989 's concept with a few changes in place to ensure the map doesn't feel empty.
As you traverse the map, normal enemies will roam and you can fight them using the X key like you did in the demo, but boss fights are gonna be a little different.
You see, Outcasts was initially going to be a platformer/RPG with a battle system similar to Undertale, but I got carried away during development and scrapped the RPG aspects. Now, I hope to bring them back.
When you enter a boss fight, you will be given multiple choices to determine your attack: What party member you'll use, if they'll attack or heal, and what attack they'll use.
When your turn ends, your selected character will be tossed into the battlefield and you are given a small window of time to use your chosen attack with the X key and deal as much damage as you can as the boss attacks you. After a few seconds, your turn will start again.
I've wasted way too much time. I want to bring this game to the world.
No more slacking off.
I'll try to update the soundtrack more frequently, and more songs can be found on my Bandlab!
Make sure to check out @ERROR989 and @TheMuffinMan343
! Without them, the world of Outcasts would never exist.
Let me know what you think in the comments and take a look at the game page if you haven't already!