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Actually i planned this (literally) back on 2012, yet after some discussion, we plan to NOT make games each month. We were planning to make more serious/deep games on 2012, which estimated would done in about 2-3 months. And TURNED OUT, we didn’t deliver anything actually. Well, PIXLE, Wonderland Cosa Nostra and Late Lino were released last year, but two of them has already done on 2011, so i’d say, they don’t really count.
So our new game at 2012 was Grand Steam, Montage Roux (suspended until this February), and Linoveus Cube. I keep apologized to not be able to pull out the deadlines we set on our own, but we keep on missed it. Grand Steam was firstly planned to be done within 2 weeks, Montage Roux within 1 month, Linoveus Cube within 3 days (extreme!). You can laugh now, i actually laughed a lot on this too, bahahah.
Main problem was, as we discussed together, the game design documents/ planning was not really done properly, it was bad, and some of them even didn’t have game design document. Also, hipon’s working availabilty was sometimes still unpredictable, mainly because of his college business.
Grand Steam case
This game is a collab project between hipon & reijubv, this game started as a side-project but ended up being one of stellar main project, a lot of things has happened we had the full story posted in our previous post. This project is still ongoing though, we work really hard on this project, but since our main focus is now on Linoveus Cube, this project will continue its development process after Linoveus release.
Montage Roux case
This is a collab project with Enthrean Guardian (or soon will be changed to Prospera Enthrean), hipon’s not on this project, so we didn’t even posted a single post about this project, sorry. So much things happened on this one, like, programmer change, the guy has been busy for months and lot of months, and said he’ll be ready on this February.
Linoveus Cube case
This game was planned as a Ludum Dare #24 entry, so it was executed the moment we decided the genre, also a little writings on google drive. Bad. Really bad. Workflows are messy too.
We didn’t even realize what features we’re gonna make, what kind of trouble, hardships we will face, potential bugs and gameplay failures. We were optimistic (much likely super cocky) like hell and it actually broken after we faced the reality, haha.
So, moral of the story: we need better game designing and detailed discussion before execution, less random move, and discipline (getting side tracked is way too easy).
But hell yeah, all of them are continuing, so look forward to our devlogs.
So back to our post title, if you’re an indie game developers, you must know this event. One Game A Month, or known as #1GAM at twitter hashtag.
I, Laz, thought it was a serious event with tight rules, like we must enter a dozen of games (literally) to qualify, and it’s wrong, this is just an event for fun, free indie gamedev party. So in the end, we signed in @Lazcht, @ricolemba (hipon), and @stellarNull
account as participators.
What are we planning?
Hipon already started his 1st 1GAM project, it’s a simple puzzle game, more informations will be posted by himself~
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Next, we’re gonna enter Linoveus Cube. This project’s actually near finish now (we’re not sure what to face later, but hopefully, it’s on 80~90%).
We also planning on some collaborations with fellow gamedev in gamedevid.org community to help us deliver more exciting games on 2013. (hopefully for 1GAM too)