Five Nights in Anime 3D CLASSIC EDITION

5 days ago

One of the 2 last rooms is ready!

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One of the 2 last rooms is ready!

If you have and ideas for this room please write them in to comments, we will read all opinions!
Last room is of couse Mangle's cove, gonna be easy to make duo to readdy assets that we have
So its not gonna take a lot of time to make that room. After that gave will receive new update with this 2 new room. Also there will be some AI fixes (moving speed) and energy drain problem (to fast)
Sprites for cameras is already done and ready to be used for game...

So maybe in 1-2 days game will receive new update!



Next up

Happy Valentines Day

So! Build is ready to be tested!

I'll drop it for testers (in Discord) in one or less hour...

Tester's be sure to check it out!!!


thx guys!

sry for not posting anythings... have some problems irl..

Ha! Ha! Ak goes Brrrrr!

I want to say BIG thx to for making this INCREDIBLE art of my OC! (Yurin) I appreciate this art you made for me :D

Just aweasome!

fnia only rabbits

New update 0.3 is out with some new things and fixes!

FNIA baby

Happy Birthday to me!