Fazbear Nightmare

6 years ago

One of the common peices of feedback I've recived is the game's instructuions arent clear. to help adress this and allow me to revamp more of FNaF 1 I'm working on a tutorial chapter set in Fredbears Inspired by FNaF 4 minigames
(Here's an early version)



Next up

Midnight VR is in active development alongside Alpha 7. I've been working on a toolkit to more easily make everything work in Roomscale :) also hopefully Co-op!! (current character is a bit short but fixing that)

Blep, incase you havent seen it before

Got monsters knocking on your door? Thats okay use the vents! But be careful I heard rumors that thyre fairly toxic FNaF 2 progress is coming along amazingly!

Power systems have been improved Clock added to the office Foxy is alive Just some of the changes coming to Alpha 7

working more on the 3rd person conversion. now have a basic pickup animation :)

Dev progress photos

Some of the Midnight VR WIP screenshots! Hope to have a build up for testing VERY soon, all that's left is fixing the AI everything else is done To play this you will need a PC HMD with motion controls, I also am looking at a Quest port but no gurentees

A text from a friend asking you to come over in the middle of the night. A body in the kitchen. Weird puzzles all over the house. Where the hell is Mike? Mikes Not Home will be the first "Velsina Mini" More info to come

FNaF 3 Map is in development for Challange modes :)

Anyone who's played the "Final Nightmare" story build knows that FNaF 3 was missing somthing. Introducing the new PRONE VENTS!!! Now in development Crawl atround to your hearts content but becareful you're never really sure if you're alone