4 years ago

OST Update

It's been a while but we're back with another amazing ost update made by the amazing @Blade_Evans . Without further adu here's our newest song. Aslo if you'd like to join the official Freaktale server links in the description of this video.

"Human allow me to be your guide through their something I am forgetting?...O-Oh...Human slight change of plans...I-I must attend to some "business" but fear not I shall return shortly...just stay right where you are!!!



Next up

New header/Thumbnail for project

Background announcement

Here's a video showcasing our first town for Pokémon: Creation of Chaos. The lovely Arista Town, the place where your journey begins. (No buildings yet since they are being currently made.

Undertale, but nothing's wrong.

We're back with another update its time to show off the freaktale ruins. And yes the red streaks are blood. I hope you enjoy. Made by @cubeytheoffical

Undertale Icebound: Blossoming bravery.

Update/New Battle Sprites

New pokemon

Sprite Update/Sprite Showcase