While the page was down, there were ALOT of changes to the game. Mainly in graphics! This post is going to be used for showing off some of the environments or older versions of characters or places in the game!
This is the very first real environment made for 1987!

I made this way back in 7th grade, and back then the game was going to play similar to Security Breach, however you needed to escape the building before it was demolished! This was back around August 2021.
( the poster art is by @Doffito-K )
Shortly after, this map was scrapped! Mainly due to quality reasons. This was the new map I made! (Late 2021-Early 2022)

After this pretty much the entire project, animatronic models included were scrapped.
Soon after, the game went though a kinda identity crisis, with me not really knowing what I even wanted the game to be. So I made three maps to try to figure out what I liked the most. (Only two are pictured because I gave up on one of them as soon as I started lol)

(These two pictures were from around Early 2022 as well)
Soon after, I landed on a slightly different inspiration for the location, skating rinks!

With the liminal skating rink vibe in mind, here are some test environments I made!

After more work, a more solid map was made. Here is the old arcade!

This map was heavily reworked, and the picture with the tables and more orange lights turned into this environment!

(The order of events picture to picture is a little bit messy, this is kind of just my best guess on what happened when)
Now we are approaching more modern times for the game . This is the first map of the almost final version of the game, based more off of irl locations I find on google.

(These colorful wall ones were scrapped pretty quickly, once again based on more irl skating rinks)
More changes lead to this sort of look!

(Late 2022-Early 2023)
That's really it! I didn't have time or could find a few different screenshots from early to mid 2022. To end this monstrosity of a post off, here is some super duper not revealing a whole lot screenshots of the modern map!

(Not a whole lot I know, but once again working on being able to send more final environments)
But yeah that's it really, thanks for looking/reading if you got this far! When Bonnie is properly revealed I will make a post like this and Freddy's showing off all of his old models.