Hell Hire (Legacy)
7 years ago

Overhaul Update is here!

Welcome to Hell Hire Overhaul Update!

Check out the Trailer:

After 2 months of the initial release, the game is finally ready to be played the way we intended to, plus, some extra content, such as:

New Weapon - IT-37

This reliable Pump action Shotgun can kill most enemies with 2 shots at medium range.


New Level - Tutorial

This is a completely scripted level that will teach new players about the main mechanics, such as ability usage, health regeneration, dashing, melee and more.


Improved Graphics and Sound Effects

We’ve added a Lighting System into the game, which greatly improves the graphics of the game, we also have made a few tweaks to the Particle Effects, and added new effects, such as Bullet Shell, and Magazine drops.


For the sound, we added 3D sound positioning, now you can hear where shots are coming from.

We also added three new songs, “Pretium Infernum”, “Fors” and “Exspiravit”, that plays on the Shop, Menu and Credits respectively. Those can be downloaded for free at the GameJolt Page.
(Due to a setback, the songs didn’t made it into this version, but I’ll be releasing a hot-fix tomorrow)

Improved UI and Save slots

Not only improved the existent UI, but also added a whole Menu, with settings for Video, Graphics, Audio, Interface, and Controls, allowing you to bind any button to an action.
We also added Save Slots, so you can interrupt your game, and continue later on. The game still have a permadeath mechanic, which means that, if you die on Hell, your save file will be deleted.


General Improvements and Bug Fixes

Last, but not least: We fixed a lot of bugs, and added a lot of improvements to the game, such as tweaks to the difficulty, weapon balance and recoil, controls, and more.

So what are you waiting for? Download the game now FOR FREE, and Enjoy!

Check out the Full Patch notes here



  • Added a Tutorial

  • Added a new weapon: IT-37

    • This pump-action shotgun can hold up to 5 cartridges and can kill most enemies with 2 shots at close range.

    • Produced in 1937, is available on Prison by 1100 Souls.

  • Improved Mouse movement by using a native resolution for the GUI.

  • Improved Dash, now you have partial control of the character during the dash

    • This allows the player to make small turns and decrease the distance of the dash

  • Increased Look Around Distance by ~18%

  • Increased Default Look Distance by 100%

  • Improved Semi-Auto firing

    • Pulling the trigger 0.2 seconds (or less) before it’s possible to fire again, will automatically shot the weapon ASAP.

  • Weapon Firing now Shakes the Camera

    • This shouldn’t make the recoil more random or harder to control, as the camera will (almost) return to it’s original position before it can be shot again.

  • Ammo pick-ups from souls were altered under the hood.

    • During the development the values will be balanced in order incentive weapon switch.

      • For now, you should have plenty of ammo to use a weapon for a whole Wave, but don’t be afraid to try out the other secondary weapons, as they are more useful than just a backup weapon.

  • Improve Reload, now ammo will be replenished before the animation ends, allowing you to cancel the reload at the end without being punished

    • It’s possible to cancel the reload with a Melee attack, Dash, or Weapon Switch

    • In the future, I’ll add an option to cancel the reload by pressing the reload button a second time.

  • Added Last Weapon Selection Button (Default C)

  • Some abilities will automatically be used and then switch to the last weapon when equipping them

    • Example: Medic Bag and Ammo Bag

  • Pump and Lever actions are unique to each weapon

    • This means that you can shot a shotgun, switch weapon, and when equipping the shotgun again, you’ll have to pump the shotgun before shooting again

  • Increased Default Max FPS to 250 (From 62)

    • This should provide a much smoother image quality, specially in windowed mode


  • Decreased Respawn Timers to a Minimum of 2.5 Seconds (From 5.0 Seconds) and a Maximum of 4.0 Seconds (From 7.0 Seconds)

  • Decreased Enemy Damage output from 65% to 50%

  • Enemies will now be ~13% more affected to Aim-Punch at maximum difficulty

  • Enemy Weapon Range is modified depending on the difficulty

    • Starts at 50% on Minimum Difficulty, and scales up to 100% at Medium difficulty.


  • Added a simple Lighting engine, Flames, Muzzle Flashes and Souls will now light the level.

  • Improved Walk Animations

  • Improved Weapons and Equipment Sprites

  • Added Weapon Switch Animation

  • Added Shell Casings and Magazine Drops during reload

    • Each weapon will drop Shells and Magazines in specific situations

    • For now, only the M1A1 have proper animated sprites.

    • For now, all weapons have the same shell casing sprite

      • Both of those will be changed in the future.

  • Added Sprites for MQII Grenade in Mid-air

  • Improved fire particles

  • Improved Souls Particles

    • And sightly changed it’s behaviour to look better

  • Added Sprites for Molotov in Mid-air

    • Mid air Molotov now have Fire Particles

  • Improved the performance and look of all particle effects

  • Added a Particle Quantity Slider

    • Reduce this value if your computer can’t handle particles very well

      • If a particle effect in specific is causing issues, please report it to us.s

  • Improved Colouring of Enemies on Farm


  • Added Main Menu with Options

    • Particle Quantity Slider

    • SFX and Music Volume Sliders

    • Fully Customizable Controls

      • Gamepad is not yet support

    • HUD and UI now can be scaled and support multiples window sizes.

    • HUD Alpha can be customized

    • English and Portuguese Languages for User Interface

  • Shop UI will now properly show the damage of weapons that fire multiple pellets (Shotguns)

  • Shop UI will now properly show the rate of fire of burst rifle weapons
    And also how many times the weapon is fired per burst

  • Shop UI now have thumbnail icons for each weapon and ability

    • Weapons that are locked due to Year now display a Red Lock Icon on the thumbnail.

  • Improved Credits Screen


  • Added 2 New songs

    • Pretium Infernum (Plays on Shop)

    • Exspiravit (Plays on Main Menu)

  • Cancelling Reload will now Stop the audio

  • Added Footstep Sounds

  • Added sound for Soul Pickup

  • Sound for Molotov Throw, Impact and Fire

  • Weapon Handling and player actions are now less audible at distance

    • Gunshots are the same, you just won’t be able to hear the enemy reload from the other side of the level

  • Added Dry Fire Sound


  • Changed the Colour of a few Sprites on Farm (1920)

  • Fixed Several Clipping Issues on Prison (1950)


- Coach Gun (Previously Double Barrel)

			- Damage Increased to 13 (From 12.5)
- Increased amount of Pellets to 9 (From 8)
    - This was done to accurately represent the 00-Buckshot ammo type.
    - Both changes now increased the weapon damage to 117 (From 100)
- Increased Reload Time to 1.0 Second (From 0.8 Second)
    -To match the reload SFX and compensate for the huge damage buff
- Added it's own reload animation

In the future, other weapons may get custom reload animations as well, such as Bullpup weapons.

- Repeater Changes

			- Decreased Ammo Capacity to 12 (From 15)
- Decreased Total Ammo Capacity to 24 (From 30)
- Increased Damage to 54 (From 46)
- Increased Effective Range to 12m (From 8m)

- Model VI Changes (Previously Revolver)

			- Decreased Effective Range to 4m (From 8m)
- Decreased Maximum Range to 24 (From 30m)
- Decreased Armour Penetration to 30% (From 50%)

Those changes should make the Repeater more viable than the Revolver, whilst still maintaining the effectiveness of the revolver at lower difficulties

- M1A1 Changes

			- Damage increased to 20 (From 18)
- Mobility increased to 100% (From 95%)
- Armour Penetration increased to 15% (From 5%)
- Decreased Minimum Spread to 1.0 (From 2.0)
- Decreased Maximum Spread to 2.0 (From 4.0)
- Increased Movement Spread to 0.85 (From 0.0)

- AUG Changes

			- Increased Burst per Minute to 160 (From 110)
- Increased Burst RPM to 850 (From 700)
- Increased Recoil Increase Per Shot Value to 1.2 (From 1.0)
- Decreased Movement Speed to 90% (From 95%)

- C96 Changes

			- Decreased Rate of Fire to 380 (From 480)

- Deagle Changes

			- Decreased Rate of Fire to 300 (From 420)


- Molotov

			- Decreased Damage to 50 per Second (From 60 per Second)

- MQII Grenade

			- Decreased Cooldown to 12 Seconds (From 15 Seconds)


  • Fixed a bug where Shell Feed weapons reload would have an extra “Shell add Stage”

  • Fixed a bug where meleeing a enemy grenade would prevent you from damaging an enemy with the melee attack

  • Fixed a bug bug with the animation of the selected weapon on the HUD

  • Fixed a bug where a corpse body parts would be draw in an incorrect order after the animation ends

    • Still need to fix the order in which Corpses are drawn, this is an limitation from the engine.

  • Fixed a bug where the throwable Hold animation wouldn’t play

    • Now you can see the character count the fuse time of the grenade as he holds it.

  • Fixed a bug where throwables melee animation was missing

  • Fixed a bug where any sound being played by an enemy or player would be interrupted on death

  • Fixed the collision mask for throwables (Grenades and Molotovs)

    • This should allow you and the enemies to lob grenades around corners much more easily

  • Improved Console (F12) drawing, now the game will de drawn in real time while open, and the console is semi-transparent

  • Fixed a bug where you could spawn enemies with the Middle Mouse Button

    • This feature can still be accessed if you use the “enable_manual_spawn 1” command on console (may be buggy)

  • Fixed a bug the enemy taking damage from melee, or while the player was outside it’s field of view, would not trigger certain actions

    • Those actions are showing the health-bar, using strafe mid-combat etc…

  • Fixed several Memory Leaks



Next up

Update Delayed

Winter Update Hotfix

CODE: Spawn a Shell on Reload. GAMEMAKER: Got it!

The first update! (PT-BR: A primeira atualização)

Concept Art

Sneaky peek. I’ve added a simple lighting engine, what do you think?


Original Soundtrack

Main Menu In English and Portuguese! Wow! Much menus! Such translations.

Discord Server