Final Nights 2: Reburnt

1 month ago

Page rebrand + More Progress Update


Hello there, you might have already noticed, but the page has finally received a much-needed rework. The old one worked, but had some really outdated stuff on it + the logo was just a quick placeholder I made.
Speaking of, here is a comparison between the new and old one:


Honestly, I am really proud of the outcome. It's still subjected to changes, but I think it fits well with the whole vibe of the game.

Another thing you might have noticed is that the project also got renamed, going from "Final Nights 2: Remake" to "Final Nights 2: Reburnt". This decision was mostly because I don't want to confuse people by thinking this is an official remake, and also just having the subtitle be "Remake" is admittedly boring.
One of the other changes on the page was the description. You will find that now it goes more in depth about the project than it did before.


I really need to come clean about something: as time went on, this project went from me (Tiag00) trying to do a remake of one of my favorite fan games for fun to a project that has now grown in size and has contributions from many people, which I really appreciate. That being said, because I started with barely any knowledge of game development, we are trying to rework some aspects that feel dated (mainly the coding). So basically, not only are we trying to add new stuff, but we also reached the stage where we need to update some old aspects that feel outdated in comparison. Luckily, with the help this project has been getting, it shouldn't take that much time to do it.
Another reason for me to slowdown on the devlogs is that, I simply don't want to spoil all the stuff in the game. Even though the devlogs were really fun for me to, I would post them consistently and just show everything without caring. So, I basically want to try to avoid that again.

With that out of the way, you can all trust me when I say that from the last devlog to now, we have added so much stuff. Heck, we even began doing test builds of the game (mainly testing Chica and Foxy AI).

TLDR: The lack of updates is because we are busy reworking some of the old stuff + I don't want to just show everything I did like I used to.

Anyway, with the wall of text out of the way, here is a funny picture from the dev team and I guess I will see you another day :)




Next up

Progress Update 3!

Progress Update 2!

Help Wanted!...Again!!


Help Wanted!

Rat Race Production Update

Help Wanted

Hi there, for the last couple weeks I have working on a remake of Final Nights 2 created by JeliLiam The video is to show off the current progress of the project. If you are interested, consider following :)


Here is a teaser of Fixed Freddy in celebration of hitting 1k views on the page! (seriously thank you all)