Hello everyone!
Here we are with 25 Achievements! Also a brand new campaign with a new potion to unlock. We fixed alot of small bugs that were mostly introduced during the last patch, finished with a dash of polish on the UI and optimizations for the new Unity 5 engine…
Check it out:
New features:
25 Steam Achievements.
A new campaign: “The Four Idols”
A new potion: Potion of wisdom restoring 100 piety points.
When your Inventory is full, if you pick a new loot, it will no longer be destroyed but will stay on map.
Game engine upgraded to Unity 5.
UI Improvements:
Added the Achievement page in the Codex, to check your goals and follow your progression towards each achievement.
Added a Blur effect on the backgrounds when opening a menu in game.
Modified the Uncurse icon.
Fixed bug:
Fixed wrong death menu in Rogue mode.
Fixed choosing a new class not possible after a death in Rogue mode.
Fixed NPC not dropping the proper rewards in Puzzle lvl31.
Fixed Curse not showing on Character portrait when receiving a curse from an NPC.
Fixed NPC Type 1, that didn’t work properly in certain cases.
Fixed NPC Type 3, whose second choice’s reward was broken.
Fixed default zoom level.
Fixed wrong UI ratio in certain cases.
Fixed Editor active zone not large enough.
Fixed Items on the move in Inventory, that stayed highlighted green after being moved to another slot.
Fixed clicking 2 times to open the Inventory.
Fixed the Inventory keyboard shortcut “I”, not working.