This patch shows a bunch of cosmetic changes (pretty menu stickers! Icons!) and many new user friendly features (identify/uncurse items in Shops/Temples! Save and quit in Adventure/Puzzle mode! etc). We focused on a more comprehensive game interface, smoother in game movements to improve your gaming experience.
Lookie here!

The player’s sprite now follows the selected path instead of teleporting to its destination.
Added a walking animation on the player’s sprite.
Added new camera option that stays centered on the player’s sprite.
Camera movements are now smoother.
New features:
All game modes now benefit of a “save & quit” option, allowing to save, exit the game and come back later to finish a specific level.
Adventure & Rogue modes: When an Escape power is used in combat the monster now stays damaged, so you can now escape a difficult situation and come back later finish the monster.
Adventure & Rogue modes: The inventory is now available in fight.
Adventure & Rogue modes: Only pieces of equipment that are usable by your class are now dropping.
Adventure & Rogue modes: You can now identify your items at the shop for a reduced price of 30 Gold.
Adventure & Rogue modes: You can now un-curse your items at the temple for a reduced price of 60 Piety points.
All modes: Spells requiring a target (Dispel or Ice blast) can now be cancelled, by clicking again on the spell’s icon or its shortcut. Doing so will recover your mana loss.
Adventure & Rogue modes: Powers requiring a target can now be cancelled by clicking again on the power’s icon or its shortcut.
Rogue mode: After killing the boss or the last monster on the map, the next level won’t load automatically anymore: instead, a special teleporter will appear, which allows you to jump to the next level only once you decide.
Demo version: Rogue mode is now available for testing, up to the first boss.
UI improvements:
All active buttons have now a bump and color animation on the fly.
Replaced the various game modes buttons (Adventure, Rogue, Online…) by more explicit stickers.
Added a pictogram to all menu buttons (Save, Load, Exit…).
Added a “Continue” button on Puzzle and Adventure map, when a level in progress save is available.
Main Option menu: Added a new button to change the camera type (centered or not)
Added animations when receiving a reward or completing a game mode.
Added a little bag icon on the inventory window.
Modified the question mark icon on scrolls and potions.
Modified the cursed mark icon on cursed items detail.
Modified the thief class selection icon on the main menu.
Adventure & Rogue modes: Added an “Identify” button in the Shop window and an “Uncurse” button in the Temple window.
Fixed bugs:
Rogue mode: Fixed game crash after killing the red dragon, level 80+.
Rogue mode: Fixed wrong calculation on thief’s poison after level 30+.
Fixed Crude Dagger, Crude Staff, Crude Mace and Crude Bow that gave negative bonuses.
Fixed Vanish state no longer present when reloading the level.
Fixed player sometimes still in fight after using an Escape power.
Fixed can’t buy in shop anymore when entering and buying an item in a shop a second time.
Fixed some typos in dice explanations and intro movie.
Hope you’ll enjoy all these improvements, many stemming from your suggestions and bugs reports!
Stay tuned, the Codex should come next and the long awaited Campaign mode/editor…