name: clone riggy or preston IDK!
size: fuwwits
passive: there are suriges around the map if clonne riggy gets one he'll get a random boost to any stat
ability 1 glich cut: clone riggy teliports forward and throws a knife forward anyone caught in by the knife they will lose hp every mila-second for 10 seconds-cool down: 20 seconds
ability 2 dismember and destory: clone riggys limbs separate from his body and chases the closes player when anyone is hit with the limbs they with get damged and limbs wont stop chasing the target till they are hit
m1: he swings his knife
walk: he does a walk simmuler to pcx
run: he flys forward
jumpscare: he basicly does the same riggy does in riggy vs clone riggys first fight
death qoute:
m1 death qoute: I KNOW YOU KNOW!
ability 1 death qoute: HAHAHAHAHAHA!
ability 2 death qoute: your not ready yet but youll see...
last survivor standing qoute: THATS IT TODAY YOU DIE DIE DIE!
chase theme: the background music of riggy vs clone riggy
skins are on screen but ill tell you the names and what type they are
rare skins:
og (fist page)
crossbreed freak (secend page)
robotic (threed page)
epic skin:
terater (fourth page)
rodent (fith page)
razzer (sixeth page)
legendary skins:
court case (seventh)
cracked (eighth)
ancient skins:
loses his whatever (nineth page and has diffrent voice lines and chase theme)
lucky (tenth page and has difrent vocie lines)