Hey everyone! This time, we decided to focus on making the game a bit harder as you progress and also more intense! Check out there changes:
new enemy: toxic plane, drags a cloud of toxins behind, slowing player by 10%/second
new enemy: follow plane (flies in front of you and fires bullets)
new enemy: booster rocket: speeds up, then slows down, then turns towards the player, then the cycle repeats. Happy dodging!
adding 6 new missions
spread3 cannon bullet damage reduced to 1 (down from 2)
seeker plane changes: 2 lives, becomes invulnerable for 0.6 seconds after being hit
changed spawns in infinite / organized / timed attack modes: new enemy types can spawn instead of the old enemy types. Replacements: scout -> toxic plane, seeker plane -> zeppelin, flying bomb -> booster rocket, minelayer -> following plane
shooting enemies will delay their shots if enemy hits them (if you shoot at an enemy - he won’t shoot back)
fixed bug when flying bombs kept exploding after respawn
fixed a bug when settings would not get saved after exiting the application
As usual, let us know if there are any issues :)