An actual game and not just a menu and a grey empty space when you press “Play” (almost).
A lifeboat that floats up and down in the water.
Press Q to randomize a new event.
Randomized clouds.
Music tracks added.
Example events that alter visible and hidden stats.
Visible stats includes how much food everyone has.
Hidden stats includes whether people like or dislike eachother.
The Massive List of Broken Shit
Buttons with -1 on them should not be interactive or even visible.
Some buttons in some events just don’t work.
When people die they are still involved in events (and visible).
No loosing or winning conditions (is dis even game?).
Texts go outside boxes - like all the time.
Restart button wipes everything (it restarts a little bit too hard).
A random debug number visible where it shouldn’t be.
Placeholder-y colorless characters.