Five Nights Before Freddy's 2
7 years ago

Patch v1.0.1 Out Now + Other stuff

Hey guys,
I woke up with a positive mindset and decided to work on this patch and it’s done, available now.


  • You can now use the mouse to play the game, check out the new page in the tutorial.

  • Fixed a screen tearing issue.

  • Nerfed the A.I. for all nights.

  • Made player’s movement quieter so you can listen for other noise.
    *This patch is ideal for people who want the game to be easier, not necessary if you’re fine with the game as is.

  • Made ultra rare occurrences a little less rare.

First and foremost before the rest, I want to thank you guys who gave positive feedback and constructive criticism, hopefully the game is a little better for you all now.

A.I. Mechanics remain the same
as the title says, they stay the same, all that was changed is the chance they can appear.

For those who keep dying
I have seen comments about people moving to the window and suddenly get jumpscared, the way to prevent this is to have the flashlight on before you make it to the window, if you still die, well you’re either taking too long or you’re unlucky, when they’re at the window you have a five second window before they have a random chance of coming inside.

Other bugs?
I have some potential solutions to other bugs I have seen people talk about, I must say first that I have not experience any of these so it must be something on your end.
Try going to the properties of the program and make sure the game isn’t blocked, you’ll see it once you open properties, you can just click unblock.
Try running as administrator.
Try running in compatibility mode, reduced color bla bla and see if that helps.

Hope this patch makes you all happy! I didn’t want to see anyone upset with the game in any way.




Next up

Forgot to post this here, blender models for 39, Wesley and Plushie are now available to the public. :)…

A teaser inspired off the original FNAF2 teaser.

Teaser - I can still see you...

A few extra goodies for Night 7.

v1.2 Quality of Life Update - Out Now. (Patch Notes below)

In celebration of 39's 7th anniversary, I've decided to give you all a small taste of Impurity with a short demo.

We got trophies in FNBF2, before FNBF1, before GTA VI.

Coming Soon.

The upcoming Ventures update will bring some updated music into the mix, courtesy of the original creator: Søundbøx.

Also included here is the new wallpaper for the game, featuring the four idiotic friends, ready to save an imaginary world!

The upcoming Ventures update will feature overhauled pre-rendered cutscenes with new dialogue, alongside many other quality of life updates.

Coming eventually.

I procrastinate in the worst ways possible...