Shoulder bash - Pepperman charges forward towards Peppino and upon leaving the screen, HUD elements show up depicting what Pepperman is doing and where he is relative to Peppino's location. Some of his art will spawn for you to dodge while he turns around and rushes right back to you.
Sculpture - Pepperman plops a rock canvas down in front of Peppino and you need to hit it to create an art piece to satisfy Pepperman or else he will stomp on you. Accidentally slapping away the finished piece will anger Pepperman and he will take an extra turn to perform a more difficult version of the shoulder bash attack.
Art barrage - A canvas spawns next to Pepperman and he paints enemies to rush towards Peppino. One of these enemies can be ducked under.
Bouncy pepper - Pepperman ground pounds and starts bouncing around the arena. The only way to keep him away is to hit him in the air or on the ground until the attack ends.
This was a really fun battle to make as it tested my updated coding method. Hope you enjoy the update when it comes out!