Circle Empires Tactics

8 years ago

Personal traits, buildable towers, bank, stronger AI players

  • Creatures have personal traits now, like +20% hitpoints or 50% fire resistance. You can select the best people for particular job.

  • Towers are now buildable. Added poison and fire towers. They can be built from level 1 storehouse.

  • Added Bank building that costs quite a bit but gives you a little bit gold every once in a while. This can be built from level 1 storehouse. It has 3 levels.

  • AI’s ranged units can now shoot at enemies in another circle without leaving their own circle, making it’s use of ranged units a lot better. This applies only to AIs that are not on easy skill level.

  • You can now de-select everything by pressing Esc key. This is particularly useful for going out of second level menus, like master workers build menu.

  • Wizards deal less damage and are cheaper. Reduced wizard’s xp requirement for level 2.

  • Dragon’s firebreath has much lower immediate damage but higher burning damage that targets take over time. Reduced dragon’s xp requirement for level 2.

  • Reduced level 1 storehouse health by 50% to make them less effective as meat shields.



Next up

Goblin tribes are now expansionist

Update: Team up with trees and fish and your local enemies (by trainign each other to fight) to overcome a distant but certain death to your all: thee massive invasion in near future and desertification of the land you all live on.

Slowly but surely, our Gamepedia is taking shape, thanks to our crack team of experts!

Looking for specific information about Circle Empires Rivals, or do you want to help fill out our Gamepedia? Boy do we have a link for you:…

Looking to test your RTS mettle? You can join our community-organized Circle Empires Rivals tournament, with Steam credit as the prize!


Our latest game, Circle Empires Tactics, is OUT NOW on PC! This franchise couldn't have happened without the original support from our Game Jolt community right here - so THANK YOU! More info:…

Our first content update is here! New units of EEEEVILLLL 💀 as well as two new buildings. Check 'em out!…

Enjoy the epic fantasy tunes of composer Sigurd Jønk-Jensen wherever you go. The Circle Empires and Circle Empires Rivals soundtracks are now available on Steam!

Check out the mega bundle:…

Update 0.63: Fixed visual glitches, added tips. Special thanks to everyone who made videos!!


We've come a long way from the initial alpha in 2016. Take a look at the evolution of the Circle Empires franchise throughout the years!