Phew, so the game has been released in a rather raw state… you can play around with the physics and there are two levels to solve. Despite this I would like to thank anyone who checks it out. It is the first released game I made in Javascript.
I have a list of planned updates that marks the milestone for the first release:
Sound design: When you solve a level you will hear new notes playing and the game “zooms” out to a higher level where you can hear the notes of all the lower levels. As you go to higher levels, the notes will form into music.
Particle blending: There will particles of different colours and they will be able to blend and form particles with new colours.
Ending: I am not too fond of cutscenes but there should be a kind of reward for solving all levels. Of course it will remain a secret ;)
I will be open to other suggestions in comments and I already got some good feedback, so I look forward to continue working on this project.