As many of you know, there will be updates to the game adding more characters to fight in the future. There will also be many more bug fixes and quality improvements.
Also it seems we have forgotten to include the fonts for the game in the game folder… I talked with someone about ‘graphical bugs’ that he found in the game that were only occurring because he did not have the right fonts to play this game. At that time I had no clue that we forgot to put the fonts in the font folder xD
Either way, in the next update they will be included.
Speaking of next update: We would like to thank you all for the feedback! Pretty much everything we’ve heard so far are minor bug fixes, but we still like to know what to fix in the game. The next update should fix the gameover screen having attacks flying through it like Mary Poppins on all(or at least most) battles. We will also be adding a functional Items option to Dr. Gaster, just like Gaster has.