The Showtime Theatre

1 year ago




Next up

Kept you waiting huh? Secret Snake statue, 'cause why not?

TST now has a devlog on the Roblox DevForums! At the moment it's being used to announce large updates in development as well as post play-test sessions.

Don't threat however! I will definitely still be posting here on GameJolt!

QoL Post (3/3)

Final post of the day, this one for photos of QoL features, like:

- Expanded Settings Menu.

- Extras Menu small info text thingy.

- Updates on Bunker Down.

- Updates on Pizza Patrol. (Excuse the reused cabinet.)

Let me know what you think!

News regarding the development. Indefinite Delay - True classic for a FNAF Fan Game right?

Showtime Entertainment presents... "Pizza Patrol!"

After 4 months, my retrospective and (way) over-analysis of the Five Nights at Treasure Island series is OUT NOW!!

QoL Post (2/3)

Another small QoL post, this time I'd like to show some Improved Office UI, including:

- Inspect text.

- Camera map location labels.

- Door cool-down meters.

Let me know how you think!

Working on things to come! Including a new camera, the Entrance/Reception!


Been testing with an intro tape for TST that'll play before the gameplay. This is a cropped version of what I've got so far.

My main concern is that it may remove the need for phone calls but I think I can make it work, let me know how y'all think of it!