The Showtime Theatre

4 days ago

QoL Post (3/3)

Final post of the day, this one for photos of QoL features, like:

- Expanded Settings Menu.

- Extras Menu small info text thingy.

- Updates on Bunker Down.

- Updates on Pizza Patrol. (Excuse the reused cabinet.)

Let me know what you think!

1 comment


Next up

Been testing with an intro tape for TST that'll play before the gameplay. This is a cropped version of what I've got so far.

My main concern is that it may remove the need for phone calls but I think I can make it work, let me know how y'all think of it!

QoL Post (2/3)

Another small QoL post, this time I'd like to show some Improved Office UI, including:

- Inspect text.

- Camera map location labels.

- Door cool-down meters.

Let me know how you think!

Here's a better listen at the Camera's audio system, the sounds will change depending on what camera you're viewing.

In this example you can hear the jolly music from the Show-stage, you can hear it slightly from other rooms as well.


Showtime Entertainment presents... "Pizza Patrol!"

Rat Race Production Update

Kept you waiting huh? Secret Snake statue, 'cause why not?

CCTV System!

Notable things I want to mention:

- All rooms for the cameras have been modeled & rendered.

- The camera can be controlled with both mouse & keyboard, note the ways I control it.

- The sound changes depending on what camera you are viewing.


Happy 10th Anniversary of TRTF2!

TST now has a devlog on the Roblox DevForums! At the moment it's being used to announce large updates in development as well as post play-test sessions.

Don't threat however! I will definitely still be posting here on GameJolt!