Hello, citizens of Ultraviolet City! Rose here, once again, posting a dev log on another character’s birthday -- Shawn Corvus!
Today, that being February 6th, is Shawn's birthday. Happy birthday to our beloved introverted librarian!
Now, let’s continue on the development log for today -- we got a lot of good news to share!
First off, let’s discuss about character sprites -- designs, particularly.
Now, for sprites, I made slight changes to Arthur and Bonnie’s sprites (the two fellows you see on the image below). These changes are so small that at first glance, you’d think there were no changes to be made! Try to compare their character teasers with this image...

Now, onto character designs -- I will be frankly honest here, I might prioritize making the designs more, rather than just the writing as a whole, for the most part.
I know that I said previously that I will write the story first to avoid scraping major parts of the designs, but even when I do that, I still scrap and change things in the process regardless. There were so many instances where I had to change a character’s outfit or hairstyle, or even an expression because I wasn’t satisfied or hadn't thought the idea I have would be better, etc.
For reference, when I do make a sprite, I just put color blobs together and try to make sense out of it. I don’t plan properly within my art process, nor do I make sketches or put references I could base off, and even when I do, I am kiiinda lazy to bring it up and just do it my own way through what my head can think of (I don’t do that on painted art pieces, though… that’s for sure). All of the character sprites were done like this EXCEPT for Arthur. He was fully planned through and is the only character who has a separate line-art layer for his hair instead of painting it like what I did with the others.
Design and story go hand in hand, as design can explain a character’s personality with no introduction or flavor words, and stories can help set a foundation in design.
Now, so far... in terms of the base ideas for each character present in the game, including NPC’s, they’re set. They’re concrete solid unless I receive feedback regarding their stories where I need to change so the game can be good!
And... speaking of making the game good, I want to share progress regarding the game’s story.
I will officially say that the draft for Sara’s route is 95% done! It just needs some feedback from one of the team members before I continue writing the next draft.
With all of this in mind, I do take great consideration and care for this game. I don’t mean this in the “let’s make the best game ever!” way, but instead, what I mean is “I want to take time to fully understand and appreciate the details of the world within this game and the characters within them.” way.
Perhaps, it may lead to a delay if I do announce a release date, but I want to take this project with full seriousness and honesty (as I sometimes goof off often and have fun in some parts of the process).
And that’s it for the log today! This was a lot longer than usual, but hope you all enjoyed reading on what's up.
Now I will say -- I won’t be writing a log on March, but instead on April 3rd, which will be Bonnie Glade’s birthday!
We are also developing something special soon... though, can't say anything about it yet! You'll have to see when it's here.
Good night, everyone! Have a wonderful evening.
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