POPGOES Evergreen

2 years ago

POPGOES - Weekly Update (05/05)

Hi guys,

Another week of development! A lot of these past few days were spent working on a brand new reveal demo/build/exe for Dawko's next charity stream, plus of course promoting the new Youtooz pins, but there's still a bit to talk about!

Fanart Showcase:


by TheMandarinEternal - (Source)


by Kritzz - (Source)


by Bchynta and himuhino (Source)


by JObjects - (Source)

Top Supporters (last 30 days):

@etti - 47 charged stickers

@Slitherjump - 47 charged stickers

@Ketchup_Boi - 46 charged stickers

Thank you to everyone for placing charged stickers on my posts!

Click here for a guide on how to place charged stickers and get POPGOES stickers!


Here it is. Holy shit. The final Blackrabbit piece in the collection, the Blackrabbit Torso, is NOW AVAILABLE, for just one week. Place charged stickers and see if you can get one before we switch over to non-Blackrabbit stickers. If you have any ideas for some fun POPGOES related stickers, let me know!

POPGOES Evergreen:

First things first, let me give you an update on the office and the Simon Says buttons. Last week I showed you a mockup of how the Simon Says buttons will be animated, but that preview was done entirely in Blender which looks very nice but isn't super impressive by itself.

So here it is, in Clickteam:


Quite a few things going on here, but I would be repeating myself for most of it. Long story short, we've got the Simon Says buttons working, with the tray being fully animated while still obeying the custom lighting/reflection shader.

Also, ignore this seam:


Unfortunately, the reflections onto the tray + button screens are a little blurry:


But the glowing buttons themselves are crystal-clear pngs, and the consensus is that the blurriness is not an issue. You'll be focusing on other things for it to matter, though the existence of the reflections still does wonders for the immersion/realism of the game.

Another follow-up from last week. The Stone animation is now totally finished after some tweaks, we've applied it to the game's environment and we've also done some tests with rendering to see how it looks with the flickering lights, things like that. Also some gameplay stuff I won't talk about yet.

Though we have some previews of the full animation, I'd rather not spoil it here... but you guys can look at these screenshots:


I will admit that some of these look kinda funny when frozen! But in motion, it's really quite startling. Bear in mind these ^ are without the sky/background. We're going to carry on working on Stone's mechanic and his renders this week.

Something else - a while ago I probably said that we had finished modelling all of the False Animatronics. And this was true, but we weren't actually TOTALLY finished with them. And the reason for that, is because we still had to make textures for False Chica's (and the middle stage's) bib! NeeTroo is actually really talented at making textures, so they handled the bib textures earlier this week and I can safely say that all of the Falses are now totally done. I wanted this sorted so that I could have a proper collection of references to send to Scott, mostly to ask some questions regarding merch, but also because I don't think he even knows the False characters exist yet. Lmao.

If you're wondering how the bibs look, the "Let's Party" texture basically just gets very melty, blurry, almost web-like in some parts. It's a pretty natural progression and I think it looks really cool. We discussed the possibility of actually changing what the bib said, or jumbling up the letters, but I thought that might be a bit too cryptic just for the sake of it.

Last thing for Evergreen: A few team members and I have been preparing a brand new charity reveal build for Dawko's next livestream! If you're new here, you should check out these previous events:

POPGOES Evergreen Anniversary Pack (26th June 2021)

  1. Anniversary artwork

  2. Song premiere (Ad Machina)

  3. Room reveal (Art Room)

  4. Trading cards reveal

POPGOES Evergreen Sara Pack (18th September 2021)

  1. Signed Sara the Squirrel poster

  2. Sara the Squirrel desktop wallpaper

  3. Vent camera reveal (Sara in Arcade Vent)

  4. Sara the Squirrel character renders

POPGOES Evergreen St. Jude's Pack (17th December 2022)

  1. Faz-Watch phone reveal

  2. Holographic trading cards showcase

  3. POPGOES x Youtooz Pin Set reveal

  4. False Freddy full 360 model showcase

And we have settled on a brand new selection of four things, and donation goals, to give to Dawko for him to show off on his next stream! I don't personally consider this spoilery, but I've tagged it just in case you'd rather have zero info for the event:


So yeah! And each of those are not JUST as they seem.

I would consider this pack to be a sort of sequel or a part 2 of the one we did in December. Very similar reveals obviously, apart from the third one.

These are also higher donation goals, mostly because Dawko's streams often make a lot of money very quickly at the start. Sometimes a big creator, or even Scott himself, will donate a huge amount and we have to totally disregard it from the total lmao.

Anyway, we've been working hard on those ^ previews which I hope you all love when the event happens. I'm not entirely sure of a date yet, but I think it'll be around the 15th-25th of this month.


Yep, still working on myPOPGOES! The content plan for this game hasn't changed, but it's taking a little longer than expected to get all of the assets done.

We're still testing challenges, making sure they feel balanced and fun. Some of the challenges are very simple, and some totally change the feel of the game and the strategy required to succeed. Of course, the controls don't change, so you'll still only be using three buttons during gameplay, but that doesn't mean it can't get complicated!

I've been thinking about what could be a cool reward for 100% beating the game (which I think would mostly consist of collecting all of the stickers (by playing Endless mode for a while) after beating all of the challenges), and one of my ideas was to make the player character "Gilded", which is also what happens when you fully beat POPGOES Arcade.

And that resulted in some tests...


Indeed it's possible to change the colour of the sprites, pretty easily, to a variety of colour schemes. This is automated by replacing each shade of "grey", which is why the accurately coloured Popgoes has green freckles, and why the Candy-coloured Popgoes has red ones. The middle one most resembles Gilded Popgoes obviously, and it looks quite nice! But what do you think of this reward? Or, what if, when you 100% the game, you can pick from a selection of colour schemes? Or maybe even make your own? Let me know if you have any ideas.

I worked on some more stickers, this time of the POPGOES Arcade character sprites:


Tried to give Sian a bit of a break by handling these ones by myself, but I think it's important they still look somewhat handdrawn/traced, and I think they look decent enough? I know these stickers aren't particularly exciting, but you'll earn stickers totally randomly, so I think having some "filler" that you can replace later on when you get cooler ones is totally fine.

Lastly, work has begun on the Spanish translation of myPOPGOES!


This is being handled by our programmer, @Patata1236 . Translations for bigger games like Arcade and Evergreen are much more difficult (if not outright impossible) but for something as bite-sized as myPOPGOES, why not!



Welp, that's it! The POPGOES x Youtooz Pin Set is no longer available to buy, after an exciting two-week run.

I want to give a huge thanks to everyone who purchased a pack, or who told their friends about it, and even to those who wanted to buy a pack but couldn't (for any reason). Merchandise and these kinds of connections with big companies are hugely important for POPGOES, and the Fanverse as a whole, and I'm endlessly appreciative of it. It's also lots of fun!

To those of you who have ordered a set, you can expect your pins to arrive sometime in July. You gotta let me know what you think of them!

Also, the Hex plushies for Popgoes the Weasel and Candy the Cat are now being delivered! At least three people have received theirs and shared them on Twitter:


So a huge shoutout, and congratulations, to these customers.

It actually looks like the Candy the Cat plushie has SOLD OUT! But you can still order Popgoes, and also the bundles of both:

Popgoes the Weasel Hex Plushie

Wave A Plushie Bundle (Popgoes & Candy)

Another productive week! Thanks everyone for reading, and for putting up with me promoting the Youtooz Pins all week haha.

- Kane



Next up

18 days left to order the super hot POPGOES Beach Edition Pin Set!

Art by avioletfeline (@APurpleCat )

Buy: #fnaf #popgoes #youtooz

Order the limited edition Popgoes the Weasel Spinning Pin before it disappears in 3 weeks!

Art by @silverxcristal

Buy: #fnaf #popgoes #youtooz

We gave a very brief look at Blake's new gameplay in the Dawko showcase back in December. Did you notice him twitching when he got close?

Here's an extended look at how he acts when he's demanding your attention. His head, eyes, jaw, arm, all twitch.


A guide on how to place Charged Stickers and get POPGOES stickers on Game Jolt!

POPGOES fanart showcase for this week! Check these out! (21/02)

Sources for all four of these, AND A NEW POPGOES STICKER... are in the article!


POPGOES fanart showcase for this week! Check these out! (14-15/02)

Sources for all four of these, AND A NEW POPGOES STICKER... are in the article!

An update to myPOPGOES has been released, optimising some things and adding on-screen prompts for controllers.

v1.22 is live:…

Rat Race Production Update

There are only 16 days left to buy the Popgoes the Weasel Spinning Pin! When it's gone, it's gone.

Art by @MadaSN

Buy: #fnaf #popgoes #youtooz