Porkchop's Wonder Farm

4 months ago

Porkchop's Wonder Farm | October 2024 Devlog

Hello everyone! First of all Happy Halloween! Hope you have a good party tonight!
Second of all I want to keep thanking you for your patience, I'll be going into a list of what has been done and what we are doing so have a good read!


  • All rooms for the game are FINALLY done, few are in need of being remade or adding special props but those will be edited as we go along with the game, but they are ready to be implemented in game.

  • This has been the year that we advanced with the game programming THE MOST:

    • We implemented the first game puzzle.

    • We extended the inventory with new ways of interacting with items.

    • We are implementing the map into the game while rendering all the rooms sprites first

    • GameMaker definitely made the game's programming much more satisfactory.

    • Doors sneaking structure is done

      oh and I almost forgot...

    • A chest system has been implemented to the game to save your items while you explore the restaurant


    • @Only_Emiliano_ is in charge of helping with the making of UI assets and other graphic design stuff!

    • Devansh is in charge of helping with game's OST!

    • @LatDog will be our new Environment modeler!

      He is also making a game! If you'd like to see another project related to Phisnom's work I would like to invite you to follow his project (which im helping for the most part as well)


And that's all for now! Sorry for not showing too much! I'm deciding to save most of the essential gameplay elements when another gameplay trailer comes out (probably when the game is wayyy more developed)

Whenever progress is fast or slow we try to keep the game going in a good track, so nothing is rushed!

Until next post!





Next up

Something cool about one customization feature for the props pack is that some props have layers for Static Colors and "Dynamic Colors" which every time you duplicate the same prop their base colours change to a completely different set of colours.

Porkchop's Wonder Farm | June 2023 Devlog

Syn | Finished Commission for @BeetuberGaming !! I'm still Open to Commissions! More information here:


Dr.Creepypasta Freddy Model is released! Download & Details Link:

Rat Race Production Update

i like the new stojo designs in the new shrek movie


Thanks for 3000 Followers + A bit of the Game's Current State