Fun with the Custom Pizzeria (FNaF OpenSource Fan-Game)

4 years ago

Post for 100 followers.



Next up

Mini DevLog!

Some little upgrades for the office. Textures will be replaced.

Soon opening the attraction...

Little lighting experiments... Or just an attempt to make good lighting.

Freddy's head concept for FwtCP:R.

Someday the page will be available to everyone...

Когда-нибудь страница будет доступна всем...

Updating newspaper sprite.

What if...

<After 3 hours of rendering (It's not now, it's 4 hours ago)>

Yes! YES! But... Блин... Okay, i think, it's it won't be particularly noticeable in the future...

(It's not poster)

DevLog Diary №2. Yay!!!

Test render for FwtCP's Remake.