Finally the Post Jam Version/Update is now available and it brings a lot of new Features like:
Pause Option with ESC
Pink ball moves in circles, instead of random
Your Position affects the Distance
Movement affects the Speed
The Rocket-launcher-Guy does not aim on your foot anymore
New Enemy Green Ball: He is bouncing at the edges of the map and changes his direction this way
Cheerleader on the end-screen if your result is good enough
More Gamemode like 400 meters, 2 minutes, 2000 meters and endless, now you decide how long you want to run
End-sreen was slightly changed
New Text font was used SG Font, it can be found here: for everyone who needs a completely free font
Background was decorated a little bit, I hope you like flowers
Finally the Spawner was fixed again making the game getting harder by time, but also starting not to easy
Usually Stuff like Bug Fixes
That’s it I’m sorry it took so long but a had to concentrate on the Abitur Exam.
Enjoy Playing!