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The game's development is going great! All that is left is the main menu, and the jumpscares/Game Over. The gameplay is done, and the game should come out mid-February.
kaboom! there goes your tower! watch it crumble, feel the power!
i dont normally post my art here but im too proud of the animation here to not. had to celebrate the birthday of one of the goats but its also valentines day so boom yaoi jumpscare
why did she do this i hate her!
yuor mom
someone please help catch the little bubblings theyre eating my code
Next Level Photo Negative Blob will start in either Sector A or B. Listen for him to reach your hallway! If you hear him, shock the hallway without shining the flashlight. If you shine the light on him, he will kill you!
it's not releasing this fall, take the icons spinning as an apology
can we get much higher (so high)
i would like to announce the addition of minecraft steak to the game's roster of characters