A small content update I just released. If you guys happen to come across any glitches or bugs please let me know as soon as you can so I can patch it up for a more enjoyable experience while playing. I am trying to get frequent updates out with more content included.Sometimes updates will be quick and sometimes they will be delayed. But I thank the patience on the sites I have it on. The next update should definitely and HOPEFULLY have some more new features and a mega cool teaser installed so as always thank you guys and enjoy!Adios!
What’s new:
Campfire no longer needs 4 stones to create when placed.
Campfire lighting range should now spread out more.
Resources now showing in crafting interface.
Mouse should no longer go up and down when in crafting interface.
Can no longer close crafting interface with ‘Tab’ key.
Temperature now added!Night time brings upon the chlliness of the jungle so make sure to have enough sticks to keep your fire burning!No need to worry about it during the day.
Nightime sound added.