There’s a chance I might cancel this project, for a number of reasons.
Lately I just haven’t been feeling the game. The development has been going painstakingly slow; the story, although complex and thought-through, isn’t really what I wanted it to be.
I’ve honestly lost motivation for a lot of things, and sadly this is becoming one of them. I can’t bring myself to work on it anymore. It’s not that I don’t have time, either. Even with school and everything, I’ve still had plenty of time to work on it. I just used my “busy” schedule as an excuse to myself for not working on it. I don’t have a passion for the game anymore. I don’t know if it’s because of the game itself or just that I can’t be motivated for anything. Depression is also a major factor.
Not to mention when I first started making the game, I jumped into it without working out many of the details. I was just messing with RPG Maker to see if I can crank out a result. Now, however, my skills have improved; and looking back over the game, it’s not as good of a quality as I could be making it right now.
I have another game idea in mind however, and I fully intend on releasing some sort of game in the near future, whether I revamp this one or start over on a new project. This one did rack up a few followers; enough to where I thought an apology was necessary. I’m sorry to anyone who was really expecting this, and I hope that if and when I release a game, whatever it is, you’d find it to your liking. Thanks for sticking with me on this project, and have a good summer.