Hey y'all, Parker here! I'm coming in with a quick update on the development of Steel Soul.
I'll get the big one out of the way first- as you might've been able to tell, asset building is going very well. I've managed to cobble together enough tiles to make a functioning area, as well as a proper sprite sheet for the protagonist Freya, and I'm quite proud of it! It's actually starting to feel like a real game now, haha.
I've also been working on the base gameplay, to mixed results. I'm gonna have to do a lot of balancing and outside testing to make sure it works the way I wanted it to. I'm trying to strike a balance between enjoyable and challenging and I'm hoping to reach that point soon.
On top of this I've been learning to compose my own original music for the game and it's been quite the challenge! I've got 3 songs composed so far and they all sound pretty decent considering I (basically) only just taught myself how to make music, haha.
Lastly, writing is progressing quite slowly. I've been devoting a solid 95% of my attention to everything listed above, so I've not had much time to work on it. I'll likely be focusing on that next, once I've finished up a couple other assets.
And that's all I've got to show for now! Time to get back to work. Stay tuned for the next update!