Happy New Year to everyone! Here's this month's devlog, starting with...
Progress has been slower, but things are still coming along smoothly! In this past month, we have:
Fixed a bug that caused Clover to turn red.
Fixed Clover's collision being misaligned.
Finished the first part of the Dark Ruins tileset.
Overhauled the save point sprites.
Finished most of Toriel's sprites.
Started work on Dalv's sprites.
Finished adding Discord RPC for the Dark Ruins.
Finish the Dark Ruins tileset.
Once the Dark Ruins are finished, refine the normal Ruins.
Work on some UI changes.
Begin work on battle graphics.
Add some content from the UTY artbook.
Have the bare-bones ready by FEB. 2025
Get a release out by APR. 2025
Add some references here & there.
Polish the Discord RPC.
Our team is quite big currently. Despite that, positions are still available for:
If you wish to join the team, fill out this application https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeRWur0JVzye-XzMFu0DvtrjoHKYuaROUaItb2rsRgucWQn6A/viewform
While things have slowed down a bit, we are still making good progress! We aren't going anywhere, and we still plan to release 1.0 this year.
The textbox gif was made with https://www.demirramon.com/generators/undertale_text_box_generator