Hello again!
We last spoke very recently, the shortest gap between posts yet, I believe.
As always, I'm just gonna get into the meat of this post immediately.
You may be asking yourself, "Vec, why on Earth do you need an entirely new team all of a sudden?"
Now to that I say, Vecc is spelt with two Cs.
But actually, the answer is quite simple. Everyone left or was fired.
Now of course you could've guessed that, it's why this occured that you wanna know. And that's slightly more complicated but still simple.
What Happened?
After the last post was made, asking for coders, our overworld spriter, @That_oNeZALgUY , left the team due to him feeling the game was dead in the water, who inspired our musician, @Tapo4kEK
, to follow suit because he was disinterested in the project.
After that, I decided that there was no point in having the rest of team on, as they hadn't done anything in months and most hadn't even talked in the server in equally as long, so there was no reason to keep them around.
New Team-Members
So yeah, we have (basically) no-one on the team now.
So we need to hire an new cast of members, this includes:
Spriters (1)
Artist (Full)
Musicians (2-3)
Writers (Full)
Coders (4+)
To apply, message me either here on GJ or Discord (tag is game desc), or, more preferably, apply in our Discord Server so another team member can check the application if I'm offline.
In your application, simply provide some of your recent work and the reason why you want to join the team.
So, if you'd be interested in applying to the team, check the labeled sections below to see the requirements for that position!
We're looking for a spriter for the intro panels.
Just make sure your art-style doent clash with mine too harshly and you're pretty much good.
Right now we're not looking for artists any artists.
You need to be able to make original tracks, not just 50 megalos for the entire soundtrack. If all you make are megalos, you're outta luck.
Other than that, just be to a decent quality and you're good.
Right now we're not looking for artists any writers.
Check out the post "Progress Update 2.75 - Coders Needed" to learn how to apply as a coder!
For Everybody
If you are accepted into the team, you must be able to be even semi-active.
Check in at least every other day, just to catch us up on progress you're making and if there's anything enhibiting progress.
Of course, we're not saying you need to make progress all the time, simply that you don't ghost the team for no reason like the previous team members.
I believe that's pretty much all for this post, nothing else to really say.
Once again, there aren't any teasers for this post, cry about it all you want.
Until next time,
-Vecc (with two Cs)