Hey guys! Long time no talk!
Sorry for the seeming lack of activity on my end, I’ve been really busy, blah, blah, blah.
Anyway, I’ve decided at this point, instead of waiting to privately beta test the game, I’m going to try and clean it up as much as possible, then release a beta! Woohoo!
So most of the work I’ve been doing has been bug fixes and general polishing, but I did add several more features as well. Here are some of the major ones:
A chat! You can now chat with your friends in the lobby, or in-game.
Use @PlayerName to tag a player.
If you’re the host of the lobby, you can some simple moderation commands.
A console! If you’re the host of the lobby, you can use console commands. (But please don’t abuse it or I might have to take it away. ): )
I’m considering making this for private games only.
Spectating! If you join a game late, you can spectate until the next round!
I may disallow chat for spectators, as it could be used to cheat.
That’s all for now!
Stay tuned for a beta release in the near future!!