Coincedentally, now that school has started my creativity sparked. Lame, eh? But I’ve been coming up with a lot of neat ideas that I plan on adding to Solid, including a title design, a new fighting system (code-wise), and a bunch of other huge improvements, mostly coding wise.
For starters, check the new title out.

Came to me during Physics, dunno why, but I really like it.
I’m also planning on doing a new combo type system. Instead of having 3 attacks, I’m going to add a wide array of them, and so every time you attack, a random one is chosen. The ability system still works the same way, (Combo # : Ability
(1 : 1)(2 : 2)(3 : 3)(4 : 1)(5 : 2)(6 : 3) etc.), but now it adds a tiny sense of realism to it, I guess. Also, I remade Solid and even tried a concept sketch, which you can see below. (I know it’s bad, it’s my very first attempt at drawing a human)

And the animation sheets,

I’ve also improved the textbox engine! Now, I can color certain parts of the dialog for emphasis, it’s a pretty sweet find.
Finally, I’ve come up with a new view system. I was seriously sick of the incredibly static view movement, so I’ve made a new one, it’s much more fluid now, I’m pretty much in love with it. I’ve even added a new transition system, which is basic but very effective. I can’t wait to show it to you guys, I’m sure you’ll like it!
That’s it, bye! :P
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