Project Animatronic (Official)
5 days ago

Project Animatronic 5th Anniversary!

Hey guys, today is the 5th anniversary of PA! Now I know I never made any post of the previous anniversary (to be fair I never did to my other games because I tend to forget to post). Looking back at this game I remember making this game back in 2018-early 2019 and it was fun since it was my first time making a game (with some help from the boys) and it made me think for the future of the series after "SYNERGY" was released two years ago.

For awhile now I thought of remastering the first game but after a lot of thinking I think this is fine how it is since this game is my first game I released, although it isn't the best in terms of gameplay and story I think it's... fine I guess.

The story I'm not very proud of mainly because of how ambitious it was plus the addition of the gameplay on both Project Animatronic and Synergy and I learned it the hard way.

As for the series in general I think I'm not gonna continue it since I don't see a future for it and I think it is fine how it currently is, I might make a post on the anniversary of Synergy talking about the story but who knows I might do it or not. (Though I will take some of the characters I made into something else).

This game was a learning experience of game development and this gives me more motivation on working more games and I hope you guys enjoyed Project Animatronic!

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