A new star has been added to the menu
Fixed small bugs in Multiplayer
Switching cameras is now snappier
You can now hold down LMB to sift through custom trials faster
Glowstick battery has been slightly nerfed
Night intensity scaling has been made slightly more difficult
Fixed a bug where Busted could appear mid-trial completion in front of you if he moved into the office space during completion
Removed copying and pasting custom trials due to various issues
Subject Model #3A can no longer be infinitely stalled in the office
The multiplayer testing field now has better Discord Rich Presence
Minor visual fixes for A Daredevil's Trial and ???
You can now hold ESCAPE to skip the "A Daredevil's Trial" ending cutscene
A quick note: You can access Multiplayer if you have beaten the main campaign with all three patients alive. Click the star associated with this achievement to start playing!
