8 years ago

Projected platforms

It’s a constant question i keep getting when at conventions or in the video game store. So I guess we’ll just hammer it out here. The first intital relase of the game will be for the PC, with Mac and Linux to follow shortly after. I a hoping for PS-4 and X-Box release later in the year, but the development for those platforms is not a major priority. Due to the size of the project in question it is very unlikely I will be releasing a mobile version. As for language, English initially, with a Japanese, french and Spanish translation later in the year.



Next up

Combat and the three virtues and vices

Humans relationship to Subworld

Update 28/01/2017

First screen shot of test footage for the game Took me a while to get the feel I was looking for in the backgrounds. A lot of trial and error, but here we are. All original work. I hope you like what you see.

We now have a forum We want our game to grow and would love your input along side getting to know you. Please sign up and join in the development of Subworld.

Sprite Building

And so the hard work begins

The Real Ending

Announcement May 5th 2017

Happy birthday Undertale