So Back when I was Developing Beta 2.00, I had made a Purple Guy sprite before the whole UFF Error, and that’s because I inteded for the moment you meet him in the void to happen in Beta 2.00, that’s right, Beta 2.00 was going to be longer, but thanks to the error that was not to be, but it was also going to look shit since I didn’t use that whole new wall barrier thing or different dialogue colors thing. So the Error was more of a blessing, but im getting off track, this is about the Purple Guy Sprite. I’m talking about this sprite because some people have been using it without my permission and I want to clarify that I made it, along with the faceset. Here they are:
Now if you can’t tell which one of those is Purple Guy then your blind. If you want to use one of these Sprites Please ask permission to, I’m looking at you Braydon5523 and MCStockPile. The reason I’m talking about this in the first place is because you’ll be seeing Purple Guy a lot in Beta 4.0 and every Update on the game afterwards, which is like Beta 4.0, then the Full Game. Anyway, I just don’t want people thinking I’m using someone elses sprite when I put in the credits that I made it and I don’t want to have copyright issues or anything like that. That’s all though, thank you for having the patience to look through this whole thing.