It’s only been many month since I should have made this patch. Although v1.1 introduced the undo feature, it was practically useless because of a bug where the pixel wasn’t actually removed—just visually. That’s been fixed as well as a few other things, including the trophy images not being correct (which I never noticed). Furthermore, now pixels that have been lost off-screen can be undone, which honestly should have been included with the introduction of the undo feature. Also, the audio files have been compressed, so the executable is no longer 50 MB.
Additionally, the online data format has been changed due to the latest version of GM:S having a bug with the previous method I used. Unfortunately, this means that all save data needs to be reset and there may be weird issues until you do so.
Anyway, I apologise for taking forever to get this patch out. Hopefully this should fix issues completing the puzzles. Until next time, BitZero out. o3o
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