The Last Show of Mr. Chardish

3 years ago

Puzzle Time!!

What should Robert do in order pass these invisible walls of the maze?🧩

Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Available now on: Steam, Gog, Humble Store, Epic Games store

Soon on: Nitendo eShop, Playstation, Xbox



Next up

Infantry - Cheap, fast and versatile

The first units we present to you as part of A.I.D. Artificial Intelligence Defence are basic ground units. We start with a plan, create graphics, model and texture the 3D model, rig , and then animate.

Puzzle Time !!

3 Days Left!!

"The Last Show of Mr.Chardish" will arrive soon on console! Make sure to reserve your seats for the next spectacle, see you there! 🤩

Available now on: Steam,, Humble Store

Soon on: Nitendo eShop, Playstation, Xbox

The Last Show of Mr. Chardish On Sale -45%

Steam Summer Sale!!

2 Days Left!!

The Last Show of Mr. Chardish on Console

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