The Last Show of Mr. Chardish
4 years ago

The Last Show of Mr. Chardish on Console

The time has finally come!!!🎨 "The Last Show of Mr.Chardish" is officially on console. We are so excited to announce that you can find the game in any of those online stores: Steam, Gog, Humble Store, Epic Games Store Nitendo eShop, Playstation, and Xbox. So make sure to researve your seats for the next spectacle and see you there!🎭

The game will be available on console at at 8:00 CEST, 23:00 PT, 2:00 ET, 11:30 IST



Next up

2 Days Left!!

3 Days Left!!

Puzzle Time!!

"The Last Show of Mr.Chardish" will arrive soon on console! Make sure to reserve your seats for the next spectacle, see you there! 🤩

Available now on: Steam, Gog.com, Humble Store

Soon on: Nitendo eShop, Playstation, Xbox

Soon On Console!!

Puzzle Time!!

The Last Show of Mr. Chardish On Sale -45%

1 Day Left!!

Steam Summer Sale!!

Live on Epic Games!!