Parrying system is mostly in place, but there are some issues involving multi-tile monsters and critical hit detection. It is working perfectly for single tile enemies though, and has some status ailment graphics to let players know what’s going on.
There is also some strangeness involving pushing actions. The Player can push enemies with a heavy attack, but when the player is pushed, they do not move, register the tile as being blocked, and do not take collision damage.
Charging actions are also working almost exclusively with single tile enemies, as the hit detection for their body parts was apparently never implemented. That issue, at least, should be an easy fix. The other two will likely involve a little jury rigging.
I’ll be seeing what I can do about slowing down the enemy movement and adding some extra effects to better illustrate things like charges, jumps, striking walls, etc. so that You can all really tell what’s going on.
Game mechanics are largely done, we’re getting down to the nitty gritty stuff, and then the polishing.